Wednesday, August 19, 2009

rOaD tRiP

Ok where to start...????  Last week we decided that we would take a trip to see John in Detroit, we left Thursday morning and came home on Sunday.  Our original plans were to get to our hotel Thursday afternoon and settle in, then on Friday go to John's football practice, Saturday first pre-season game, and then Sunday spend time with John (it was his only day off).  However our plans got a little off track.......

Thursday on our way up I got a call from John and he said practice on Friday was a walk thru and it was at the stadium in the city, so he thought it would be better for us to go to the practice later that afternoon.  So I agreed and we went to practice on Thursday afternoon, let me remind you that we had been driving all day and it was about 90 degrees outside.  We arrived to the practice facility after about a 6 1/2 hr drive and the girls were doing great, until I decided to take them out of there stroller to walk around (which I was planning on doing, after practice when John could help me) that was a very very bad idea especially since I was there by myself with 2 one yr olds who had been sitting and strapped into something all day.  They were going everywhere I probably looked like THAT mom who people look at and say "wow I'm glad that's not me".  Anyway I finally grabbed both of them and tried to put them back in their stroller, well let me tell you they were not going to let that happen.  So there I sat in the bleachers with 2 one year olds on my lap and using all my might to keep them down (trust me it was a struggle) in the 90 degree heat. (i know at this point i was getting several looks our way).  Ahhhh....after about another 1/2 hr of that practice was finally over and I could release my strong arm on both of the girls and let them loose to see their daddy.  Once we actually got to see him all that struggle was so worth it. (although in the back of my mind I was thinking "YOU OWE ME BIG TIME JOHN", lol)
So, Friday went by and the girls and I went to IKEA and then we did a little apartment shopping.  Going to look at apartments with 2 babies isn't ideal, but somehow I managed, and if all goes well (fingers crossed), we did find a nice furnished 2 bedroom apartment. Oh, John did have the evening off so we went out to a nice dinner:)
Our intentions were to go to John's first game on Saturday, but he hurt his hamstring.  So, we didn't venture out of our wonderful little hotel room to go support the Lion's (sorry).  I guess I am very selfish, but I didn't want to go through what I went through at practice on Thursday just to see John stand on the side lines and go through a whole bag of sunflower seeds, lol.  To waste some time the girls and I went swimming in the hotel pool, of course we went shopping, played, and watched movies.  John had the night off, so we did get to spend a little bit of time with him on Saturday.  
And on Sunday, hahahaha.......
Like I said earlier John had the day off on Sunday, but we had Isabella's birthday party to go to in Plymouth, IN.  So, we only got to spend a couple of hours in the morning with John. But overall our whole trip to Detroit wasn't too bad,  and like I said the few hours we got to spend with John made it all worth it:)
By the time we finally got to Plymouth, we were an hour late. (because i thought for some reason that Plymouth would be a good half way point, it ended up taking us almost 4hrs to get there instead of 2 1/2 hrs)  Anyway, by the time we got to the party the girls were completely exhausted and just wanted to get home. (hence the pictures).
(birthday party pictures taken by Roxanne)

Overall the trip was successful we made it there and back safely, we were able to see John, and we joined Isabella for here 1st birthday party. 

wOw what a trip:)

Monday, August 17, 2009

Picture's, Picture's, Pictures......:)

Here are more pics from our photo shoot a couple of weeks ago......
...........................................................I told you I would post more!!!!:)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Time For a Break

I am currently doing a study called 31 Days with God for Mothers. So I will be posting some inspiration from my readings. Today is titled "Time for a Break"
"Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28
MoM to Master:
Lord, help me to rest in You- even when I'm overwhelmed with the "To Do's" of each day. I want more of You in my life. I love You. Amen.
"If peace be in the heart, the wildest winter storm is full of solemn beauty." -C.F. Richardson


Friday, August 7, 2009

Blogging ViRgIn???

Wow, I didn't realize how much time and effort blogging took out of a person.  I started working on my page about a week ago and finally I am to the point of posting my very first "blog entry", yippee.  So congrats to all of you who have already ventured out to the blogging world and good luck to those who are thinking about it.
Next topic:
I decided to attempt this blog page with several things in mind: 1. We are hopefully (if everything works out the way we want it to) moving to the wonderful city of Detroit for the football season (can u sense the humor:()  Although I am excited about the change, we will miss our family and friends, as they will miss us too (at least Ann & Nellie). So this page will document all the funny, sad, monumental, and all the other things that everyone will miss.  2. I also am going to use this blog as a way for me to post some of my photo's, different hobbies I may be attempting, recipes that I come across, tid-bits and how-to's, bible verses that may be intriguing to me at any given moment, and other inspirational information. 3.  Oh and  I thought it would be a neat way to document our lives.
Next Topic:
As many of you know John is in training camp, so the girls and I are at home by ourselves bored out of our mind.  With that said we do a lot of different things around the house to make time go by, like: read books, sing songs, dance in the family room, chase each other through the house, play, tea party's, run around outside, bubbles, take walks, watch "YoGabba Gabba", don't forget shopping, and last but not least have photo shoot after photo shoot. So I am working on the photo's from our latest shoot and soon will have many of them posted, but to keep you coming back (which I know you will) I posted a couple pictures to keep you on the edge of your seats. I know, I know the suspense is killing you. Until next time.........