So, this predicament has left me with some questions, Why was John sent up there in the first place?, What was the point of spending so much time apart (for the girls first year of life)?, Why was John given another chance on a team????? WhY, wHy, WHY????? I can ask "why" all day and I can try to answer all the questions that I have, but that just won't get me anywhere. We just need to walk by faith and believe that God's Will will be done. He will put us where he can use us the most. And I was reminded at church on Sunday that waiting is always the hard part, and I know as well as all of you know that it is not the first time this has happened to us and every time we have made it through some way some how. God always provides.
I just want to know if John is supposed to pursue his dream or if that is not what he is called to do. And if football is over, I pray we are directed onto another great path. All I know is that God has provided the both of us with a great stepping stone to witness, and to help people, and maybe for people to learn from us. Because believe me football is not our biggest concern in life, and I hope people can see that through our testimony. It reminds me of a story when John was trying to help someone through a tough time, and John asked the person "What do you think my passion is?" and the person responded "Football of course" and John replied back "No, you might think it is and yes it is my profession and something I really want to succeed in, but no it's being the best man of God that I know how to be, and in turn I will be the best husband, father, son, and friend that I know how to be." See the person assumed John's passion was football, but it is not by far. He sees football as a great opportunity to reach out. So maybe that's why God throws us these curve balls in life, to use the opportunities he gives us no matter how they come. I do know that I am excited for whatever he has in store for us, and I do know that he has blessed us so abundantly, and I do know he will always be there for us. If we all just Walk by Faith.
"I will walk by faith
Even when I cannot see
Because this broken road
Prepares your will for me"

I have faith that something great will come out of this situation for John, you, and the girls!! Love you guys!
ReplyDeleteI feel like sometimes all we can do is walk by faith, especially when we cannot see. It's not always easy, but it's the only way! I know everything is going to work out great for you guys. Love to you all!