In the recent past John has been given another opportunity at his dream. Yes, the Lions called and sure enough they want him back. We waited and waited for that phone call, it seemed like the whole season was just passing him by. But what seemed like an eternity was really only 5 weeks. But in those 5 weeks we enjoyed each and every minute of spending time together. I am not saying it was the easiest 5 weeks ever, but we made the most of it. How couldn't you with Ann & Nellie?? Several of our days were spent at home, our eventful days were grocery shopping days and Sundays because of Church and football. Boredom set in after a few days at home so we would make up reasons to leave the house. But being bored isn't so bad when your all bored together. At least you have someone to talk to about being bored, lol. However, we enjoyed every day we had together. Johns been gone for 3 days now and I am missing those lazy bored days at home, it's been a long time gone.
We still don't know what's in store for us in the future, but I do know if we lean on another and let God's hand guide our every step, everything will be OK:)
Here are a few pictures from the past couple months:
p.s. about chuckie cheese: John was banned from the basketball game he kept getting the 100 bonus tickets for breaking the high score. The manager put an out of order sign on the game, hahha. I think we had more fun than Ann & Nellie:)

Don't worry about anything:
instead, pray about everything;
tell God your needs and don't forget
to thank him for his answers.
Philippians 4:6
Lovin the new layout-I almost picked that one, but thought I would leave it for you! Its been great living closer to you guys-we will sure miss you when you head up north.