Tuesday, November 10, 2009
2 little lucky charms
I bought Ann and Nellie little Purdue outfits about a month ago and every Saturday they wear them, the Boilers come out with a win. The first time I noticed this was the Ohio State game, ok the chances of the Boilers beating the Buckeyes were pretty slim. But the tables were turned this year and we came out with a win, and I had said it was because Ann and Nellie were dressed for the occasion. On Halloween Purdue played Wisconsin, Ann and Nellie were dressed in their Halloween costumes all day and look who lost the Boilers. Then this last Saturday we played UM at "The Big House", so I thought to myself that Purdue needed all the help they could get, especially because Purdue hasn't won at Michigan since 1966 (wow, i know). So I dressed the girls in their black n' gold, and the Boilers broke a 40 year losing streak and beat The Wolverines at "The Big House". I am not superstitious, but hey you never know maybe Ann and Nellie are 2 little lucky charms:) 

Thursday, November 5, 2009
Twice the fun this Halloween
Halloween for me usually consist of passing out candy and watching scary movies, not this year thanks to Ann and Nellie. We got in trunk or treat at church just before we hit the road to Detroit. I didn't know what to expect, but the girls had a blast and so did I. We found out Nellie loves snicker's and thanks to Aunt Roxanne Ann now has a sweet tooth, especially towards Hershey chocolate bars:) They were so cute going around to all of the cars and slowly their buckets filled up, and the stronger their grip got ( they would not let go of their buckets, lol). We had a lot of fun, although it was a little bitter sweet because the next morning we were off to settle in to our new apartment. Monday afternoon all 6 of us (mommy, daddy, ann, nellie, staccino, and olive) made it up to Novi, MI. (the town our apartment is in). The apartment isn't bad we are all settling in just fine, it has taken the dogs longer than the rest of us but they are getting better everyday. It's not home, but it is cozy and has a gas fireplace (which i'm not used to, ours at home is wood burning) just a flip of the switch and it is blazing. We are getting used to the fact that we only have one t.v. that is about 1/1oth of the size of ours at home, needless to say John and I are getting much more sleep because the bedroom doesn't have a one. With all that aside we are all together enjoying each every moment we have with each other:)
On Saturday, the Lions had trick or treating at the practice facility. Me and my two little lion cubs headed to Allen Park to watch a little bit of Johns practice and afterwards the players passed out candy to all the little kiddo's. The girls once again had a blast and we came home with way too much candy. Ann and Nel enjoyed the 100 yards of indoor field turf, and lets just say I got a bit of a work out chasing them around. They were the life of the party and they knew it too:)
Later that afternoon Jake and Roxanne came up to visit and to watch John's game on Sunday. We just relaxed all afternoon and evening, we dropped John off to go to meetings and the rest of us had dinner at Macaroni Grill. (it was really good, and the lion cubs were little angels) Later that night Darlene, Jessica, and Zane arrived to go to the game too:) Sunday we all headed to the game, we decided to let the girls sit with us during the game (they have daycare for players children at Ford field during the game). They were good for the most part, towards the end they were getting a little antsy and fighting their nap. Nel finally gave up with 10 min to go in the 4th quarter and Ann wasn't about to miss anything. We all had a good time, other than the game being well lets just say brutal. We went out to dinner afterward and everyone headed home.
Twice the fun this Halloween, twice the candy this Halloween, and twice the precious little girls this Halloween:)
Below is a slide show of our visit to the Standeford's in Plymouth a couple of weeks ago, Trunk or Treat, Trick or Treating at the Lions complex, and finally the game last Sunday.
Friday, October 16, 2009
5 weeks with Daddy: Long Time Gone
I know, I know it's been way to long since my last entry. And I know, I know my last entry was filled with much emotion from despair to hope, but I assure you, you will fill much contentment and joy after reading this.

In the recent past John has been given another opportunity at his dream. Yes, the Lions called and sure enough they want him back. We waited and waited for that phone call, it seemed like the whole season was just passing him by. But what seemed like an eternity was really only 5 weeks. But in those 5 weeks we enjoyed each and every minute of spending time together. I am not saying it was the easiest 5 weeks ever, but we made the most of it. How couldn't you with Ann & Nellie?? Several of our days were spent at home, our eventful days were grocery shopping days and Sundays because of Church and football. Boredom set in after a few days at home so we would make up reasons to leave the house. But being bored isn't so bad when your all bored together. At least you have someone to talk to about being bored, lol. However, we enjoyed every day we had together. Johns been gone for 3 days now and I am missing those lazy bored days at home, it's been a long time gone.
We still don't know what's in store for us in the future, but I do know if we lean on another and let God's hand guide our every step, everything will be OK:)
Here are a few pictures from the past couple months:
p.s. about chuckie cheese: John was banned from the basketball game he kept getting the 100 bonus tickets for breaking the high score. The manager put an out of order sign on the game, hahha. I think we had more fun than Ann & Nellie:)

Don't worry about anything:
instead, pray about everything;
tell God your needs and don't forget
to thank him for his answers.
Philippians 4:6
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Walk By Faith
The past couple of weeks have really thrown John and I for a loop. Just when we thought we had everything figured out, God chimed in to say "nope that's not in my plan for you right now"...???? As many of you know John was recently released from the Lions, yes, it was a bit of a shock. But hey it's the NFL (so unpredictable). We thought we were right where we were supposed to be.
So, this predicament has left me with some questions, Why was John sent up there in the first place?, What was the point of spending so much time apart (for the girls first year of life)?, Why was John given another chance on a team????? WhY, wHy, WHY????? I can ask "why" all day and I can try to answer all the questions that I have, but that just won't get me anywhere. We just need to walk by faith and believe that God's Will will be done. He will put us where he can use us the most. And I was reminded at church on Sunday that waiting is always the hard part, and I know as well as all of you know that it is not the first time this has happened to us and every time we have made it through some way some how. God always provides.
I just want to know if John is supposed to pursue his dream or if that is not what he is called to do. And if football is over, I pray we are directed onto another great path. All I know is that God has provided the both of us with a great stepping stone to witness, and to help people, and maybe for people to learn from us. Because believe me football is not our biggest concern in life, and I hope people can see that through our testimony. It reminds me of a story when John was trying to help someone through a tough time, and John asked the person "What do you think my passion is?" and the person responded "Football of course" and John replied back "No, you might think it is and yes it is my profession and something I really want to succeed in, but no it's being the best man of God that I know how to be, and in turn I will be the best husband, father, son, and friend that I know how to be." See the person assumed John's passion was football, but it is not by far. He sees football as a great opportunity to reach out. So maybe that's why God throws us these curve balls in life, to use the opportunities he gives us no matter how they come. I do know that I am excited for whatever he has in store for us, and I do know that he has blessed us so abundantly, and I do know he will always be there for us. If we all just Walk by Faith.
"I will walk by faith
Even when I cannot see
Because this broken road
Prepares your will for me"

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
rOaD tRiP
Ok where to start...???? Last week we decided that we would take a trip to see John in Detroit, we left Thursday morning and came home on Sunday. Our original plans were to get to our hotel Thursday afternoon and settle in, then on Friday go to John's football practice, Saturday first pre-season game, and then Sunday spend time with John (it was his only day off). However our plans got a little off track.......

(birthday party pictures taken by Roxanne)
Thursday on our way up I got a call from John and he said practice on Friday was a walk thru and it was at the stadium in the city, so he thought it would be better for us to go to the practice later that afternoon. So I agreed and we went to practice on Thursday afternoon, let me remind you that we had been driving all day and it was about 90 degrees outside. We arrived to the practice facility after about a 6 1/2 hr drive and the girls were doing great, until I decided to take them out of there stroller to walk around (which I was planning on doing, after practice when John could help me) that was a very very bad idea especially since I was there by myself with 2 one yr olds who had been sitting and strapped into something all day. They were going everywhere I probably looked like THAT mom who people look at and say "wow I'm glad that's not me". Anyway I finally grabbed both of them and tried to put them back in their stroller, well let me tell you they were not going to let that happen. So there I sat in the bleachers with 2 one year olds on my lap and using all my might to keep them down (trust me it was a struggle) in the 90 degree heat. (i know at this point i was getting several looks our way). Ahhhh....after about another 1/2 hr of that practice was finally over and I could release my strong arm on both of the girls and let them loose to see their daddy. Once we actually got to see him all that struggle was so worth it. (although in the back of my mind I was thinking "YOU OWE ME BIG TIME JOHN", lol)
So, Friday went by and the girls and I went to IKEA and then we did a little apartment shopping. Going to look at apartments with 2 babies isn't ideal, but somehow I managed, and if all goes well (fingers crossed), we did find a nice furnished 2 bedroom apartment. Oh, John did have the evening off so we went out to a nice dinner:)
Our intentions were to go to John's first game on Saturday, but he hurt his hamstring. So, we didn't venture out of our wonderful little hotel room to go support the Lion's (sorry). I guess I am very selfish, but I didn't want to go through what I went through at practice on Thursday just to see John stand on the side lines and go through a whole bag of sunflower seeds, lol. To waste some time the girls and I went swimming in the hotel pool, of course we went shopping, played, and watched movies. John had the night off, so we did get to spend a little bit of time with him on Saturday.
And on Sunday, hahahaha.......
Like I said earlier John had the day off on Sunday, but we had Isabella's birthday party to go to in Plymouth, IN. So, we only got to spend a couple of hours in the morning with John. But overall our whole trip to Detroit wasn't too bad, and like I said the few hours we got to spend with John made it all worth it:)
By the time we finally got to Plymouth, we were an hour late. (because i thought for some reason that Plymouth would be a good half way point, it ended up taking us almost 4hrs to get there instead of 2 1/2 hrs) Anyway, by the time we got to the party the girls were completely exhausted and just wanted to get home. (hence the pictures).

Overall the trip was successful we made it there and back safely, we were able to see John, and we joined Isabella for here 1st birthday party.
wOw what a trip:)
Monday, August 17, 2009
Picture's, Picture's, Pictures......:)
Here are more pics from our photo shoot a couple of weeks ago......

...........................................................I told you I would post more!!!!:)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Time For a Break
I am currently doing a study called 31 Days with God for Mothers. So I will be posting some inspiration from my readings. Today is titled "Time for a Break"

"Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28
MoM to Master:
Lord, help me to rest in You- even when I'm overwhelmed with the "To Do's" of each day. I want more of You in my life. I love You. Amen.
"If peace be in the heart, the wildest winter storm is full of solemn beauty." -C.F. Richardson

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